Hacking instagram

Today we will learn about how to get free followers on instagram.the conent that i post is 100% real i test this before posting.
The trick that i will teach is real but it shouldnt be .used more than 3 times a day because there are chances of instagram blocking your account.

Follow me on instagram for more such posts.

plz commet downbelow about what you felt and comment what sort of post you want

Step 1:
open your instagram and go to settings make sure that your account is not pirvate if it if private make it off.

If this is done we can go to the next step

Step 2:
Then its time for your browser to come into action.open your browser and then search for ig hoot.com
Link for ig hoot:http://ighoot.com
Then sign in with your username and password. The are two feature that you can use that is auto liker and get followers.you can choose both of them.    

I dont promote any illegal activity this post is just educational but it definetly works donts expect that you will get millions of  followers..ok guys thankyiu fo reading.
Plz do comment that means a lot to me.


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